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  • Writer's picturediscussingthedyslexicbrai

Dyslexic Flare Up’s

Exemplified by a sudden exacerbation or heightening of symptoms, ‘flare up’s’ are common place within the medical world. Unfortunately these can occur amongst an array of conditions and can be challenging for individuals to manage. Most notably, within recent months I have observed that such flare ups have occurred in relation to my dyslexic symptoms. Certain symptoms have become more pronounced, visible and difficult to manage, such as fatigue, brain fog, spelling and general processing speed. This has been particularly frustrating when at work, as I can’t complete the tasks at the pace and speed I wish to. Interestingly it has been very hard to pinpoint a definitive reason why. So far I have been unable to see an exact trigger to ascertain a cause. Within the dyslexic world it is well documented that dyslexic and other neurodivergent symptomologies can be triggered and compounded by stress, tiredness and fatigue (Discussing the Dyslexic Brain, 2020). However, during my observations I have felt no more tired or stressed than usual, generating more questions than answers.


Following a ‘flare-up’, which can last one mere day or several days, the symptoms will settle back down. Much like the cyclical pattern of waves the symptoms will combine, rise and increase in one motion and then slowly relinquish and settle back to their normal routine. I’m currently unsure of to whether there has ever been official writings or publications on dyslexic ‘flare ups’. Nonetheless, I thought it would be highly useful and helpful to write about this as often others have and will experience the same. Dyslexic individuals are often very hard working, resolute and resilient, as these qualities help them to manage their symptomology and cope with everyday life. Therefore, although such flare ups can be challenging and inconvenient, dyslexic individuals often have an arsenal of tips and tricks to help them manage their workload and daily activities.

In writing this blog this allowed me to reflect upon how unpredictable and varying dyslexia can be. No one size fits all description and explanation exists. Sometimes I do feel that dyslexia really does have a mind of its own. When the symptoms are bad it rears its head to the surface indiscriminately, regardless of who you are and what situation you currently find yourself in. A helpful and insightful article by the British Dyslexia Association (2024) really does explain well the impacts and symptoms of dyslexia in adults. A key section titled ‘good days and bad days’ outlines and supports the notion of how varying and differing dyslexia can be from one day to the next. Notably it encourages and promotes partners, family members and friends to speak to dyslexic individuals and encourage them to let them know if they are having a bad day with more pronounced symptoms. I do really like this article as this emphasises that having these more difficult days is totally ok. Much like having flare ups it stresses that these are normal and not every day will be as challenging.


Although having bad days and flare ups isn’t nice and can be very frustrating and inconvenient for individuals being aware of them and prepared if necessary is an important take away message. We may not be able to predict when they can happen, but having some basic yet important steps and actions in place can help reduce their severity and impact. Simple actions can include; having less on ones schedule, setting yourself achievable step by step goals, taking more breaks, having small rewards for completing tasks and talking to friends, colleagues and others so they are aware you may be having a more challenging and difficult day. Moreover, setting personalised actions and steps to help ones most exacerbated symptoms is a great way to help combat and reduce the impact of such flare ups.


Dyslexic flare ups can be unpredictable, challenging and inconvenient in their nature. However, as frustrating as they can be it is crucial to note that having more difficult and challenging days is normal and totally fine. Lining up some simple yet effective steps and actions for when they occur can be a fantastic way to help manage flare ups and tackle them head on.


Useful Links


British Dyslexia Association. (2024). Living With a Dyslexic Partner.


Discussing the Dyslexic Brain (2020). Dyslexia and Fatigue


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