Within contemporary modern day society so much emphasis is based on achieving, meeting goals, learning and developing ones skillsets. Even though this is of vital importance for individuals both professionally and personally, within this hectic schedule it is also crucial that we all have time to relax, rest and chill. This rest and recuperation time is a highly important ‘cog’ and element within ones daily routine as it can help avoid burnout, feelings of being overwhelmed or overstretched and even illness.
Getting the balance right between work and rest time can be a real juggling act. The ratio of work to relaxation required can really vary and can be dependent on a variety of intersecting factors including: the number, size and/or complexity of a task(s), one’s health, parental and familial care commitments, occupational requirements, educational exams and essay deadlines, and an individual’s own personality traits alongside many many more. Depending on the amount of work or life stress a person currently faces and experiences, the amount of relaxation time will need to be altered and accommodated. In this way, the amount of resting time needed can be highly situation dependent.
For those belonging to the neurodivergent community finding that time and space to relax is of vital importance. As outlined and explained in a previous blog post (Dyslexia & Fatigue, 2020) it is not unusual for dyslexic individuals to present, become and feel more tried and fatigued during their daily lives. Due to their dyslexic traits and characteristics, dyslexic individuals often face having to work harder and longer to process, decode and respond to incoming information. This can be particularly prevalent if one is faced with tasks or situations they find especially challenging. In this way, more time, energy, focus, concentration and potentially emotional investment are required. Because of this, tasks, jobs and chores can be extremely strenuous and exhausting; leading to dyslexic individuals requiring longer and/or more frequent rest and relaxation periods. This ‘fatigue formulae’ also works the same vice versa. Fatigue, tiredness and illness can also extenuate and perpetuate dyslexic traits, identifiers and characteristics; again emphasising the need for rest and breaks.
With the busy hustle and bustle of daily life it can be very challenging to find time for rest and recuperation. Despite this, within our busy routines we find time to eat, wash, go to work, or attend school or education, chat to family and friends and run errands. Subsequently, as we find time to complete the above it is very important to take time out to put our psychological wellbeing first and allow rest time to also be fitted in. Whether it be reading, painting, going on aesthetically pleasing walks, watching your favourite series, films or sport, playing video games or any other unique, interesting hobby one may hold these can all be great way to relax and recharge ones metaphorical batteries. As every day is different and poses varying challenges and hurdles, different relaxation methods and can tried and tested to best suit.
Ironically, I can be the biggest hypocrite when it comes to relaxing. I will quite happily do my best to help and support others and encourage them to relax; whilst often not doing this myself! Like sand gradually running through an old fashioned sand-timer, our energy levels can slowly but surely dwindle away during the waking day. Sometimes it can be really hard to relax as often I, alongside many others I’m sure, can feel really restless. We may worry about upcoming tasks or situations or be anxious over something that has already occurred. This restlessness is a completely normal emotion and reaction. It is however, extremely tiring and exhausting making the need for rest and recuperation even more crucial. Even if only in short bursts, or if it has to be meticulously scheduled into a hectic day making and sticking to that time to relax and chill is an essential part of everyday life.
Even though I have stressed and emphasised the importance and significance of resting in relation to dyslexia, the meaning and messages within this post are highly relevant and applicable to all; regardless of whether an individual is neurodivergent or not. Due to the current state of affairs and global pandemic in which we find ourselves in, being able to rest, relax, chill and look after our psychological/emotional wellbeing remains a top priority.
Useful Links
For further insight into Dyslexia and Fatigue please follow the link below to a recently published blog post: