Explored and examined in a previous blog post, living with dyslexia can be a highly varied experience (Discussing The Dyslexic Brain, 2020). This is because the impacts, effects and symptomology of dyslexia can vary massively amongst individuals; even within the very same day. Such changes and variations can be attributed to both external factors, such as the tasks one is given and the reaction of others, and internal factors including illness, stress and fatigue (British Dyslexia Association).
Dyslexics have good, productive days as well as ‘off’ or bad days. These variations potentially have no pattern or sequence (Lifehack). Instead, upon occurring individuals manage and try to adapt to the type of day they are having. I have spoken before about what good and bad days look like. On better days my dyslexic tendencies may be more mutated and less observable. In vast comparison, on other days the impacts and effects of dyslexia can be far greater and more difficult to cope with. I have not, however, explicitly focused on what this actually feels like physiologically within my brain. I am going to try and attempt to put this experience into some sort of readable, explainable and understandable format. As an extension to a previous blog post I am hopeful this this will help to further shed light on what dyslexia is truly like to live with. This is so both other non-dyslexics can understand its nature and act as a reference point that fellow dyslexics can hopefully relate to.
On its worst day the best physiological description of dyslexia I can give is fuzziness. The brain feels ‘fuzzy’, cloudy and confused; much like looking at smudging or smearing on a glass mirror. This unwanted sensation causes the brain to feel fatigued, even slower to process information, laboured and overworked. These feelings can be attributed to attempting or working on a difficult task(s), being presented with too much incoming stimuli, information being presented in a non-ideal format (such as all verbal rather than written), high stress, fatigue and tiredness levels. When such a sensation occurs this can also be accompanied by negative emotions and feelings of anxiousness, self-doubt, ineptitude and anger. Although this ‘brain fuzziness’ is not constant nor does it appear every day it has been somewhat normalised. This is because it has occurred, continues to exist and is to be expected on a less favourable day when my dyslexic symptoms are high and strong.
Alternatively and in sharp contrast, on a far better day and occasion this ‘fuzziness’ is far less apparent. They may still be some anxiety and some clarification or reassurance may still be needed. Yet, the brain is far ‘clearer’ metaphorically speaking. In this way, it becomes far easier to concentrate, process and focus on the task required. In turn, this can reduce the negative and damaging emotions and feelings that are linked and interconnected with dyslexia.
As dyslexia can effect, influence and present itself differently to all dyslexics others belonging to the dyslexic community may well have totally different experiences, feelings and sensations around living with dyslexia (British Dyslexia Association). It would be really fascinating, intriguing and thought provoking to find out if others share the same ‘fuzziness’, or if a totally different physiological feeling can be documented. Throughout life we never stop learning and developing as humans. Asking such questions and seeking answers can be a great way to help boost our overall understanding and knowledge of dyslexia as a whole.
Useful Links
British Dyslexia Association: Living With A Dyslexic Partner
Discussing the Dyslexic Brain: What Is It Like Living With Dyslexia (2020)
Lifehack: 20 Things To Remember If You Love A person With Dyslexia